Top 4 Trends to Make a Mark in CAD Services in India

CAD Services in India

Top 4 Trends to Make a Mark in CAD Services in India

With every passing year, progressing towards advancement has become an inevitable phenomenon. You can view progression or improvement being embraced not one but in various fields. Engineering too is one such important sphere that Advancement has clasped in all its clutches. The popularity of electro-mechanical and civil structural designs, CAE and CAD services in India is ever increasing and it is not without a reason. As the new year is ushered in, we also concede some new trends that are necessary for the value they offer. By the word ‘trend’ it may highlight the transitory nature and the possibility of getting replaced by anything new and more effective. Although we know that trends can be subjected to change, if you seek growth, moving out of your comfort zone and welcoming the change is what you should be doing.

What if you ignore a trend? There is a high chance of lagging behind, even if you are in the field of product development. If you are following the same techniques that were popular some ten or twenty years back, your company runs at a higher risk of getting replaced by newer companies who can accelerate their product development process at lower costs.

In this blog, we shall discuss the top CAD trends that you must watch out for in the year 2020. But first,

What is CAD?

CAD (Computer Aided Design) is a software that is used to enhance the design quality, productivity, communication and develop a database for manufacturing.

Top CAD trends in 2020

1. Internet of Things: It has been predicted that by 2020, devices as much as 20-30 billion will be linked to the internet. This calls for more improvement for your overall product development journey. When you create products that have sensors embedded in them, you no longer need to conduct scheduled maintenance and clear the way for predictive maintenance.

2. Augmented Reality: The availability of CAD services in India has made it more convenient to obtain better 3D drawings. But before CAD took the entry, was it possible to directly have 3D drawings of a product? Not at all! We had to assume how a 3D model looked like from a 2D drawing. With the popularity of CAD, now we know how a 3D model actually looks like. Better than this is the augmented reality with which we can:

a. Have a more realistic view of the product

b. Minimize errors

c. Offer better maintenance and assembly instructions

d. End users can get exactly what they want

3. Mobile CAD trends: The increasing popularity of mobile applications and their technologies is already evident. Coupled with that, CAD software will enable people to access important documentation and design tools at any time. Rather than in the designing industry, CAD is going to be used in more advanced domains.

4. Additive manufacturing: Thanks to the invention of lower cost machines and new techniques, the prevalence of 3D printing has grown dramatically over the years. Additive manufacturing provides numerous benefits like:

a. Creation of more complicated designs that cannot be done with conventional techniques
b. There is no need to wait for tooling to create phototypes. As a result, it can be created faster
c. Components are more durable and lighter
d. Lower material costs and waste

Conclusion: The uses of CAD are vast and varied – from accomplishing initial designs and layouts to creating 3D models and even manufacturing and marketing, you can expect efficient design quality, greater engineer’s productivity and so on. So, make the most of your CAD services in India by keeping in mind these four latest trends. To know more about our CAD services, call us on +91 9619795213 .

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